If you would not have been there


After four years, I decided to step out of my comfort zone, and create a film. I never really worked with the medium film before, let alone documentaries.

With my work still evolving around connections, I tried to find a form to combine this (for me) new medium and the creating of connections. I ended up with having conversations with strangers on an air mattress. I carried it with me, into their homes, to create an island, a new comfort zone. I didn’t know them, they didn’t know me, and then something wonderful happened. With each and everyone of them I could connect, we could find common ground, we were able to listen and to open up. I heard the most wonderful, sad and intense stories, made new friends and even fell in love.

It is so incredibly valuable to open up, to make new connections, to recognise yourself in each other. It is when we acknowledge humanness in each other, we can always connect. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, as long as we’re willing to listen.

“I was going to feel comfortable in this space”